Top 10 Things Clients Should Consider BEFORE Making a Digital Marketing Decision

1. What Your Goals Are

The ultimate goal of digital media marketing is to increase the company’s revenue. But you need to get more specific than this. When defining your goals, think about your current challenges. Maybe your sales team is terrific, but there aren’t enough leads for them to follow up on. Perhaps your website gets tons of traffic, but you have a low conversion rate. Identify what your company is struggling with, and then use this information to develop specific, measurable, and actionable objectives.

2. Who Your Target Audience Is

Every brand appeals to a specific target audience, and it’s important that you know everything possible about yours. At the very least, you should know your target audience’s age group, sex, income range, and online habits. Your digital marketing strategy will look very different if you’re targeting older folks getting ready for retirement compared to teenagers heading off to college.

3. Who Your Competitors Are

An effective digital marketing campaign allows your brand to appear like it is one-of-a-kind, even if there are a thousand other companies that offer the same products or services. To accomplish this, you need to know who your competitors are and what they are doing online. With this information, you can begin to differentiate your brand from your competitors. This allows you to show your target audience why they should choose your brand.

4. What Channels to Use

Many channels are available for digital marketing efforts, including paid ads through Google or social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. When deciding which channels to use, think about who your customers are and where they likely spend time online. If you’re targeting customers in their 40s and 50s, for example, you should gravitate more toward Pinterest and less toward Snapchat.

5. Which Information Your Customers Need

You already know what makes your brand special and why customers should buy your products or services. But in order for your digital marketing campaign to be successful, you need to put yourself into the shoes of your customers. What information do they need to make a buying decision? What info will convince them to buy your products instead of your competitor’s?

6. Whether Your Brand Is Optimized for Mobile

Brand managers often think about how to use different channels effectively for outreach, but they should also be thinking about how the consumer experiences those channels. Many consumers use both smartphones and more conventional devices for web browsing and shopping. However, an increasing volume of web traffic is coming from mobile devices. It’s important to have a company website that is optimized for mobile traffic.

7. Whether Your Website Needs Work

Brand managers often spend a great deal of time considering how to drive more traffic to their website, when they should really be thinking about whether their website is optimized for traffic. In other words, it doesn’t make much sense to spend a small fortune in paid Google ads when those ads will direct web users to an outdated and poorly functioning website. Consider scheduling a website audit to identify the problem areas and fix them. A well-designed website with well-written copy will also serve to draw in more traffic.

8. Whether You Have Any KPIs

One of the perks of digital marketing is that you can keep track of nearly everything. You’ll know exactly how many customers opened a sales email, how many web users clicked on a paid ad, and even where prospects are located. But how do you make sense of all this data and put it to work for your brand? Before making a digital marketing decision, you need to establish key performance indicators (KPIs). They provide a meaningful way to interact with marketing analytics.

For instance, let’s say you want to improve your sales efficiency. You can do this by comparing the total number of leads to the total number of sales. Other KPIs to consider include the following:

    • New leads/prospects each month
    • Revenue per lead
    • Cost per lead
    • Conversion rate
    • Retention rate (repeat customers)
    • Attrition rate (customers who no longer buy your products or services)

9. Whether Customers Can Easily Find Information

Web users have short attention spans. If they don’t find the info they are looking for quickly, they will move on to another brand. Before you make a decision about revamping your digital marketing strategy, you need to make sure that your customer service department can handle an increased bandwidth of customers.

One effective way to cater to the needs of modern consumers is to integrate a live chat feature on your website. Consumers find live chat to be convenient because there is no need to open up their email application or call the company. They don’t even have to browse the website’s FAQs or blog to find the answers they need. All they need to do is type in a quick question in the chat window. Do know, however, that it’s important for your customers to chat with a real, live person, not a chatbot. An economical solution is to outsource your chat needs.

10. When to Draw the Line

A well-executed digital marketing campaign should surround your target demographic with brand messaging. However, there really can be too much of a good thing. For example, put yourself in the shoes of your customers and imagine your reaction to receiving five sales emails from the same company in the same week. You probably wouldn’t bother to read them all, and you’d likely start to get annoyed and tempted to click on “Unsubscribe.” It’s important to know when to draw the line and take a step back.

When you’re ready to take your digital marketing strategies to the next level, connect with Salem Surround. We offer complete digital marketing services that surround your customers with your brand wherever they may be online. Get in touch today at 1-844-277-5797 with any questions you may have.

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A woman makes a purchase on her laptop

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